Saturday, February 27, 2010

Grand Prize

I was supposed to be home Friday at 5:30.

Instead, I'm sitting in the lobby of the Hilton Garden Inn at JFK airport, waiting for the shuttle back to the airport. Not for a flight - but for a rental car (Delta first rescheduled me for a MONDAY flight, then changed it to an 8:30pm flight Saturday, allegedly arriving at 10:23pm Rochester time. I say allegedly, because the entire east coast air traffic grid is out of control due to weather. Also, since when does it take almost 2 hours to fly from NYC to Rochester? That should be a 45 minute flight) Since it *should* be only about 5 - 6 hours of driving, I'm going to rent a car to drive home.

At least I am the winner of a Grand Prize - a $5 coupon towards ANYTHING from the Pavilion Pantry at the Hilton Garden Inn. I got 2 bottles of water. What a winner!

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